Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, usually begin their development in the jaw in the early teen years, emerging into the mouth around the ages of 17 to 23. These extra set of molars are notorious for causing oral health complications such as overcrowding, impacted wisdom teeth, infection, pain, cysts, and more.

If you or your child have an impacted tooth, please contact our office to see about having your wisdom teeth removed to prevent these future complications, and more, from arising. Your family dentist or oral surgeon can assess your child’s wisdom teeth, and if they need to be removed, an oral surgeon will be recommended. When you bring your child to Dr. Jesin, you can rest assured that they will provide exceptional care to you and your family.

Wisdom teeth removal can be a bit more complicated than a standard tooth extraction, so you should see an oral and maxillofacial surgeon for this procedure. Dr. Jesin at Advanced Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Studio provides safe and expert wisdom teeth removal in the comfort of the Grand Rapids, MI, practice. Dr. Jesin talks patients through the process before their procedures so that they can be as relaxed as possible.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Process

During the consultation appointment with Dr. Jesin, you will receive an oral examination and, if necessary, have detailed 3D diagnostic scans taken. The position of the wisdom teeth will be studied to determine their exact position, and the doctor will create a personalized treatment plan that typically includes the use of anesthesia.

Dr. Jesin is highly trained in the safe administration of in-office anesthesia for patients, and the supporting clinical staff are also expertly trained in these methods and provides constant monitoring of patients. The extractions will be performed in the safety and comfort of our Grand Rapids, MI, practice using state-of-the-art tools and techniques. We offer several types of anesthesia for wisdom teeth removal, including

  • Local anesthesia. Local anesthesia is used in all oral surgeries, usually along with other forms of anesthesia. Local anesthesia is applied directly to the surgical site to immediately calm any sensation of pain in the area.
  • Laughing Gas. Laughing gas is an inhaled gas that is often used along with other types of anesthesia to help give the patient a sense of calm about their procedure — it’s called laughing gas because sometimes patients feel giddy. Laughing gas has a mild pain-controlling effect but allows the patient to remain conscious.
  • Intravenous (IV) sedation. Wisdom teeth extraction is most commonly performed under intravenous (IV) sedation, during which the patient enters a sleep-like state and has no awareness of the procedure taking place. For this type of anesthesia, patients must not have anything to eat or drink (excluding prescription medications with a sip of water) for at least 8 hours before receiving IV sedation — and a responsible adult should be present to drive you home and remain with you for 24 hours after surgery.

After your procedure, you will be expected to follow your post-operative instructions closely. This includes applying an ice pack for pain or swelling, eating soft foods, or rinsing your mouth with salt water. For questions about healing or your post-operative instructions, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost in Grand Rapids, MI

The cost of the extraction will be based on how many teeth will be extracted, the type of anesthesia you choose for the procedure, your insurance coverage, and how difficult the extraction will be — are the wisdom teeth impacted? If so, how deep and in what position?

To find out all the details, diagnostic images are taken during the consultation to evaluate the wisdom teeth and create the surgical plan. Dr. Jesin will use this detailed surgical plan to give you an estimate of cost. If you or your child need to have wisdom teeth extracted, we encourage you to contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Investing in Your Oral Health

Most dental professionals recommend that wisdom teeth be extracted early. This is because wisdom teeth, if left untreated, can cause significant and costly oral health problems, such as impaction and dental crowding, that may require orthodontic or surgical treatments to correct. This proactive approach to wisdom teeth is cost-effective for several reasons:

  • Saves time and discomfort later. Averting oral health issues before they arise, such as dental shifting, oral infections, gum disease, and damage or crowding of nearby teeth, is a key reason why dental professionals recommend early removal of wisdom teeth.
  • Easier surgery/faster recovery. The younger you are when you have oral and maxillofacial surgery to remove wisdom teeth, the faster your recovery is likely to be because your wisdom teeth are less developed and therefore easier to remove. Faster healing equals less time away from work or school.
  • Less risk of complications. Untreated wisdom teeth can cause infection, cavities, gum disease, damage or crowding to the nearby teeth. As we age, the roots grow longer and become more deeply rooted in the jaw bone. Removal becomes more complicated as the roots become potentially intertwined with nerves and sinuses. Patients never have to endure these complications in the first place if their wisdom teeth are removed early.

We want wisdom teeth removal to be as easy as possible for our patients, so we work hard to make payment convenient. We accept several insurance plans and payment methods. Please call us with your questions — no question is too small. It is our privilege to help guide you through the process of wisdom teeth extraction at our Grand Rapids, MI, practice.

Wisdom Teeth Removal FAQ

Surgery to remove wisdom teeth becomes a little trickier when the teeth have become blocked by overlying gum and/or bone tissue and are unable to erupt properly into the mouth. When this happens, the teeth are considered impacted and should be extracted to protect your oral health and avoid future complications with this set of molars, such as damage to nearby teeth and oral structures, infections, and more.

The reason wisdom teeth become impacted is because the human jaw is usually not big enough to allow them to emerge properly. It’s possible to have impacted wisdom teeth without any noticeable symptoms, but when wisdom teeth are impacted or begin to move, or if they develop an infection, a few of the following things may occur:

  • Swelling/pain/pressure or sensitivity near the back molars or at the back of the jaws
  • Pain when opening the mouth
  • Persistent bad breath and/or an unpleasant taste in the mouth (indicating infection)

The team at Advanced Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Studio is here for you and your family when wisdom teeth extraction is necessary. If you suspect that an impacted wisdom tooth is causing problems, we encourage you to give us a call for a complete oral evaluation so that we can determine the next steps.

Complications from impacted wisdom teeth are no fun, so everyone in your family should be seeing a dentist for examinations, imaging, and cleanings at least twice a year, especially children in their early and mid-teens so that their wisdom teeth can be tracked as they develop. When it’s the right time, your dentist can refer you to an oral surgeon for diagnosis and treatment so that you can avoid problems such as impaction before they even begin.

It is recommended that children have regular dental examinations every 6 months by a dentist or oral surgeon to track the development of their wisdom teeth. If any discomfort or swelling in the area behind the back molars does occur, or if you notice an unpleasant taste or smell in the mouth that may indicate an infection, you should seek a dental examination as soon as possible to find out if the wisdom teeth need to be extracted. Additionally, you should have your wisdom teeth evaluated around the age of 17 since this is when they typically start to emerge in the gums.

Patients experience no sensation of pain and are unaware of the extraction procedure taking place because they are usually under general anesthesia that has been administered by their oral surgeon before the procedure begins. Some pain and swelling can be expected during recovery. After the procedure, patients receive a prescription for pain medication to control any post-operative discomfort — but often over-the-counter pain medications, ice packs, and rinsing with salt water do the job just fine.

While not everyone needs to have their wisdom teeth removed, in most cases, the human jaw is just not large enough to accommodate the wisdom teeth. During regular visits, your family dentist will track the development of your or your child’s wisdom teeth, and you will be referred to a trusted oral surgeon for extraction if the teeth are positioned poorly, are impacted, or are likely to become impacted. Early wisdom tooth removal can save time, money, and discomfort later.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons are the most qualified providers to perform wisdom teeth extractions because most wisdom teeth extractions are done before the molars have erupted into the mouth, and the process for removing them is often beyond the scope of a general dentist. Oral surgeons have the proper training and experience in surgery and general and local anesthesia to safely remove impacted teeth and address any complications that occur.

We find that two to four days is usually enough recovery time for our wisdom teeth patients before they can resume their normal daily routines. Patients are encouraged to stick to a diet of soft foods for at least three days following wisdom teeth extraction and to avoid smoking and the use of a straw as indicated by your oral surgeon. Don’t worry — you will receive pre- and post-operative instructions before the treatment to ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible.

Dr. Jesin and the team at Advanced Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Studio have your safety and comfort in mind. We will take excellent care of you before, during, and after your procedure, but it’s important to remember that you’re an essential part of the team when it comes to having a great outcome, including a fast and easy recovery without post-operative complications—so it is important that you follow our detailed self-care guidelines throughout your oral surgery process.

Other questions?

Advanced Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Studio offers top-notch patient care that goes above and beyond every time. We are here to answer any questions you may have or to schedule your consultation, so please feel free to give us a call today at (616) 369-0360.

Invest in Your Future Health with Stemodontics®

Taking action now can impact on the future of your child’s health. By scheduling your child’s wisdom teeth extraction, you can give them a form of health insurance when it comes to future illness or disease. Enroll in the Stemodontics program today, and talk to our team to begin investing in your future.